Explore a curated selection of projects that highlight our successful collaborations

Project: TRAIL: Trustworthy and Responsible AI Learning Certificate Program

Our Mission: In collaboration with the Mila Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, globally recognized for its significant contributions to the field of deep learning, we designed and delivered a comprehensive off-the-shelf 6-week leadership program, empowering the next generation of AI leaders and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of responsible AI practices.

Challenges Tackled: Developing the program for a diverse audience, comprising PhD students, faculty leaders, and AI professionals across diverse industries, we had to find a delicate balance to bridge the gap between academia and industry in content and engagement strategies to guarantee broad-ranging benefits for all participants. 

Our Approach: In strategically crafting our program to address the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, we placed an emphasis on creating a lasting impact. We actively engaged participants in real-world challenges in responsible AI, governance, ethics, legal aspects, and human rights. Fostering vital interdisciplinary skills, we provided participants with a profound practical understanding, equipping them to navigate the dynamic AI landscape with responsibility and resilience.

Results: The program delivered transformative outcomes, providing participants with a holistic understanding of AI's societal impact and practical skills in responsible AI. Participants gained heightened awareness of ethical, legal, and socio-technical challenges in various contexts, fostering critical evaluation of AI's ethical implications and its intersection with human rights.

“Inbo supported both the design process and the final product including delivery of the program! They also created an inclusive space for the entire team to contribute. They are creative and so much fun to work with!”

— Anna Jahn, Director of Public Policy and Learning

“INBO’s deep expertise in facilitation and design thinking enabled us to have productive and impactful sessions.”

— Stephen Menon, Chief Clinical Operations Officer

Project: Designing, Planning & Facilitating Team Alignment Retreat

Our Mission: During the recent leadership retreat, The Trevor Project leaders focused on designing a supportive culture for our goals, creating a customized culture canvas. To facilitate The Trevor Project's progress, INBO organized inclusive workshops to gather staff input on the culture canvas, aiming to foster engagement and achieve positive organizational outcomes.

Challenges Tackled: The formidable challenge of conducting culture canvassing for 8 heterogeneous teams intensified the task, demanding a delicate balance. We had to implement a tailored approach to address the unique dynamics of each team while simultaneously ensuring a high-level strategic alignment with The Trevor Project's overarching goals.

Our Approach: In addressing this challenge, we devised a comprehensive strategy by creating a series of custom, off-the-shelf team workshops, painstakingly tailoring culture canvases to resonate with the individual teams. This process not only ensured a sense of ownership but also seamlessly integrated these tailored cultural elements into The Trevor Project's broader strategic framework.

Results: We successfully crafted a purpose-driven culture canvas, intertwining decision-making, meetings, norms, strategic priorities, communications, rituals, feedback, transparency, psychological safety, and success measures. This concise framework now guides streamlined processes, fosters open communication, and embeds organizational values, reflecting a purposeful and values-driven culture of The Trevor Project.

“We really enjoyed working with INBO in designing our year-long manager development program.”

— Valerie Gobeil, People Director

Project: Learning Program Design and Management for a one year virtual development program for all leaders at Workleap

Our Mission: Creating a 1-year program to equip executive leadership and management with essential skills for navigating today's complex business landscape in response to GSoft's strategic objectives for 2020 and the goal of creating a thriving workplace.

Challenges Tackled: The program was designed to be in-person and transitioned to virtual delivery due to COVID. We quickly adapted the curriculum and maintained quality while providing flexibility for employees, ensuring a seamless transition to remote learning and smooth integration with daily work routines.

Our Approach: We balanced learning, practice, and reflection through interactive workshops, relevant "homework," and coaching sessions while delivering the program bilingually to meet diverse participant needs. For the peer to peer and mentorship framework we used the GROW Model, theory U and co-active coaching methodologies to develop a custom set of tools and processes.

Results: The program "Power Skills of Leadership" encompassed intrapersonal, interpersonal, and business & organizational skills, providing participants with the universal toolset to understand budgets, set goals, define performance and development objectives, align team goals, make informed decisions, take calculated risks, prioritize tasks, and establish role responsibilities and expectations.